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Latest judgments

Latest judgments

Below you will find the latest judgment(s) handed down by the Supreme Court.

Judgments are delivered orally by Justices in the courtroom. They are not usually delivered on the same day of the hearing but some time afterwards. It is possible to re-watch judgment hand-downs on this site.

All previous judgments handed down prior to this can be found on our Decided cases section.

As of September 2023, judgments are published in PDF in Times New Roman font; they are also available in HTML format on the National Archives and BAILII websites. Please contact the if you need a copy in alternative fonts.

For judgments handed down before 31 July 2009 please refer to the House of Lords or BAILII websites.

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Centrica Overseas Holdings Ltd (Appellant) v Commissioners for His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (Respondent)

Lord Hodge, Lord Stephens, Lady Rose, Lord Richards, Lady Simler