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1247 Cases
Awaiting JudgmentCase summary:Whether temporary (interim) accommodation provided by local authorities pursuant to the duty at section 29 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987 (the “1987 Act”) must meet the specific needs of individual members of the household in order to be suitable for the purposes of section 29(3) of the 1987 Act and article 4(b) of the Homeless Persons (Unsuitable Accommodation) (Scotland) Order 2014 (the “2014 Order”).
Last updated: 28 March 2025
Permission to Appeal refusedCase summary:Whether the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to hear the applicant’s proposed appeal given that the court from which he seeks to appeal declined to certify that a point of law of general public importance was involved in the decision. 1. Does the Supreme Court have power to grant a certificate that a point of law of general public importance was involved in the decision of the court below by virtue of section 41(4) of the Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978? 2. Is the Supreme Court, notwithstanding the absence of certification by the court below that a point of law of general public importance was involved in the decision, entitled to determine its own jurisdiction in order to ensure the availability of an effective remedy where the applicant contends that his rights under the European Convention on Human Rights have been infringed?
Last updated: 28 March 2025
Awaiting JudgmentCase summary:(1) Is a LIBOR or EURIBOR submission automatically dishonest if it is influenced by a trading advantage? (2) Must a LIBOR or EURIBOR submission be of the single cheapest rate at which the panel or prime bank could borrow at the time of the submissions or can it be a rate selected from within a range of potential borrowing rates?
Linked casesLegal issue
Last updated: 28 March 2025
Awaiting JudgmentCase summary:(1) Is a LIBOR or EURIBOR submission automatically dishonest if it is influenced by a trading advantage? (2) Must a LIBOR or EURIBOR submission be of the single cheapest rate at which the panel or prime bank could borrow at the time of the submissions or can it be a rate selected from within a range of potential borrowing rates?
Linked casesLegal issue
Last updated: 28 March 2025
Permission to Appeal application lodgedCase summary:Last updated: 27 March 2025
Permission to Appeal application lodgedCase summary:Was Ms Cabo Ms Dezotti’s landlord for the purposes of the Housing and Planning Act 2016?
Last updated: 27 March 2025
Permission to Appeal application lodgedCase summary:Last updated: 27 March 2025
Judgment scheduledCase summary:Is the jurisdiction of the Crown Court to retry a defendant under sections 7 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1988 contingent upon the fulfilment of the procedural requirements contained in section 8 of the same act, such that a defendant who has not been arraigned within two months of the date of the order committing him for retrial cannot be lawfully retrial (save with leave of the Court of Appeal)?
Last updated: 27 March 2025
Judgment givenCase summary:Whether the current test for an account of profits (where a fiduciary has to pay back money earned due to a breach of a duty) should be changed to introduce a requirement that the fiduciary could not have made the same profit in a way that avoided a breach of duty, i.e. to introduce a test that asks: ‘Could the same profit have been made but for the breach of fiduciary duty’?
Last updated: 26 March 2025
Judgment givenCase summary:This appeal is principally about whether the pension scheme transfer by the late Mrs Staveley, and her omission to take income benefits which were then payable, constituted, or are to be treated as constituting, for the purposes of the Inheritance Tax 1984 ("IHTA 1984") a "disposition" which is a "transfer of value" in favour of her sons, who were to be the beneficiaries of the death benefit. The relevant statutory provisions are section 3(1) IHTA 1984, read with section 10(1), and section 3(3) IHTA 1984.
Last updated: 26 March 2025
Permission to Appeal application lodgedCase summary:Last updated: 26 March 2025
Judgment givenCase summary:Is it lawful for a local authority's constitution to restrict voting by members on a deferred application for planning permission to those who had been present at the meeting(s) at which the application had previously been considered?
Last updated: 26 March 2025
Hearing listedCase summary:(1) Was the Court of Appeal wrong to overturn the decision of the Competition Appeal Tribunal (the “CAT”) on the basis that the CAT’s decision incorrectly relied on its provisional assessment of the merits in determining whether proceedings should be certified as opt-in or opt-out? (2) In deciding to overturn the decision of the CAT, was the Court of Appeal wrong to place reliance on factors such as the likelihood of claims proceeding if not certified as opt-out and certain principles underlying the statutory scheme for collective proceedings?
Linked casesLast updated: 26 March 2025
WithdrawnCase summary:(1) Was the Court of Appeal wrong to overturn the decision of the Competition Appeal Tribunal (the “CAT”) on the basis that the CAT’s decision incorrectly relied on its provisional assessment of the merits in determining whether proceedings should be certified as opt-in or opt-out? (2) In deciding to overturn the decision of the CAT, was the Court of Appeal wrong to place reliance on factors such as the likelihood of claims proceeding if not certified as opt-out and certain principles underlying the statutory scheme for collective proceedings?
Linked casesLast updated: 26 March 2025
Judgment givenCase summary:Whether the High Court has jurisdiction to determine the Insurers’ claims against the Bank
Linked casescross-appeal
Last updated: 26 March 2025
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