A Local Authority (Respondent) v JB (by his Litigation Friend, the Official Solicitor) (AP) (Appellant)
Case summary
Case ID
A Local Authority
To have capacity to decide to have sexual relations with another person, does a person need to understand that the other person must have the capacity to consent to the sexual activity and must in fact consent before and throughout the sexual activity?
The appellant, JB, is a 37 year-old single man with a complex diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder combined with impaired cognition. JB has expressed a strong desire to have a girlfriend and engage in sexual relations. However, his previous behaviour towards women has led the respondent local authority to conclude that he cannot safely have unsupervised contact with them. The local authority filed an application in the Court of Protection seeking declarations as to JB’s capacity in various areas, including his capacity to consent to sexual relations. The expert evidence was that JB understands that mechanics of sexual acts and the risks of pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease, but his "understanding of consent is lacking". In the Court of Protection, the judge held that it was not necessary for a person to understand the need for their sexual partner’s consent and declared that JB has capacity to consent to sexual relations. The Court of Appeal disagreed. It held that, to have capacity to engage in sexual relations, a person needs to understand that their sexual partner must have the capacity to consent to the sexual activity and must in fact consent before and during the sexual activity. JB appeals to the Supreme Court.Easy read: Case summary
Date of issue
9 July 2020
Judgment appealed
Judgment details
Judgment date
24 November 2021
Neutral citation
[2021] UKSC 52
Judgment links
Judgment summary
24 November 2021
Hearing dates
Start date
15 July 2021
End date
15 July 2021
Watch hearings
15 July 2021 - Morning session
15 July 2021 - Afternoon session
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Last updated 16 April 2024