Judicial Conduct

The UK Supreme Court's guide to judicial conduct sets out the standards of ethical conduct to be expected of the Court.

The UKSC Guide to judicial conduct provides guidance to members of the Court, informs the Court users of the standards that they can reasonably expect, explains to the public how judges behave and should help to secure respect and support from the judiciary. 

The principles within this document are stated as six "values", by which the Court will operate:

  1. Judicial independence
  2. Impartiality
  3. Integrity
  4. Propriety
  5. Equality of treatment to all
  6. Competence and diligence

Judicial complaints

Any party wishing to make a complaint against a Justice of The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom should follow the procedure outlined in the Judicial complaints procedure

To complain about a Member of the Supplementary Panel, follow the procedure outlined here - Supplementary panel judicial complaints procedure 2021 UKSC and JCPC

If you would like to complain about the conduct of a Justice or Member of the Judicial Committee please submit this form.