
Paul and another (Appellants) v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust (Respondent)

Judgment given

Case summary

Case ID




Saffron Olivia Kaur PaulMya Paul (a child by her LF Mrs Balbir Kaur Paul)


Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust


Can an individual make a claim for psychiatric injury caused by witnessing the death or other horrifying event of a close relative as a result of earlier clinical negligence?


These are three conjoined appeals. Each appeal relates to a claim by an Appellant for psychiatric illness caused by viewing a traumatic event which was caused by a Respondent's negligence. In each case, the Appellant witnessed or attended shortly after a death caused by the Respondent's negligence.Following existing law, the Paul and Purchase claims were dismissed by the High Court and County Court respectively, with permission given to appeal. Following Paul, an application to dismiss the claim in Polmear was rejected and permission given to appeal.The cases were conjoined and heard together before the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal found for the Appellants in Paul and Polmear, and for the Respondent in Purchase.All three cases come before the Supreme Court as a conjoined appeal.

Date of issue

10 February 2022

Judgment appealed

Linked cases

Judgment details

Judgment date

11 January 2024

Neutral citation

[2024] UKSC 1

Judgment summary

11 January 2024



Hearing dates

Full hearing

Start date

16 May 2023

End date

18 May 2023

Watch hearings

16 May 2023 - Morning session

16 May 2023 - Afternoon session

17 May 2023 - Morning session

17 May 2023 - Afternoon session

18 May 2023 - Morning session

18 May 2023 - Afternoon session

Change log

Last updated 16 April 2024

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