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How to find us
Our opening hours
Telephone and enquiries answered: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Please ring 02079601500 / 1900 or send an email to
To The Registry continues to operate remotely, accepting applications via electronic filing or post. Please refer to the Building and Registry opening times page for further details and updates.
Our address
The Supreme Court and JCPC is situated on Parliament Square, Westminster, directly opposite the Houses of Parliament, close to the statue of Abraham Lincoln.
The Supreme Court, Parliament Square, London SW1P 3BD
Reaching us by underground
The closest underground station to the Supreme Court and JCPC is Westminster. It is connected by three underground lines:
- District line - green
- Circle line - yellow
- Jubilee line - silver
Once off the train, head for exit six at Westminster station - you will walk under the road through an underpass and up steps to Whitehall.
Once out of the underpass, turn left and walk towards the roundabout. You should be on Great George Street. Cross the road by the traffic lights. The Supreme Court is on your right-hand side behind the statue of Abraham Lincoln.
Reaching us by mainline train
There are two mainline stations located close to the Supreme Court and JCPC.
- London Victoria (just over 1 km): Walk down Victoria Street until you see Westminster Abbey. Cross over by a small traffic island and continue past the QEII Exhibition Centre. As you turn the corner to come on to Parliament Square you will be walking alongside the building. The main entrance will be on your left.
- London Charing Cross (just over 1 km): Turn left out of the main train station exit onto the Strand. Passing Waterstones on your left, cross two roads and then walk down the length of Whitehall until you reach Parliament Square. Turn right onto Great George Street. The Supreme Court and JCPC is on your right-hand side directly opposite the Houses of Parliament, behind the statue of Abraham Lincoln.
Reaching us by bus
You can reach the United Kingdom Supreme Court via the closest bus stop, labelled P, which is served by the 11, 148 and the 211, and is situated on Parliament Square outside of Westminster Abbey. There is a second bus stop located further away on Parliament Street serviced by the 12, 159, 453, n53, n109, n155, n381.
Disabled access
The Supreme Court building is fully adapted for disabled access, with lifts to all floors. There is also a dedicated lift to Courtroom Three for dedicated JCPC cases.