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15th Anniversary Essay Competition

15th Anniversary Essay Competition

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom is pleased to launch an essay competition to mark the Court's 15th anniversary. We invite registered university students, aspiring lawyers, pupils and trainees with UK-based firms or chambers to submit essays considering the following question:

"As the Supreme Court approaches its 15th anniversary, what reflections would you offer on its role and achievements?"

Lady Simler, Justice of the Supreme Court, will select the winning entry. First prize will win a meeting with Lady Simler, a tour of the Court, and a UK Supreme Court coffee table book.

To enter, email your essay of no longer than 1500 words to, citing 'Essay Competition' in the subject line. The competition closes on 30 September 2024.

We look forward to reading your papers!

Terms and conditions

  1. The competition is open to all students in any discipline registered with a UK university or other higher education institution, together with all pupil barristers, trainee advocates (or "devils"), trainee solicitors, and apprentices with firms of solicitors, barristers' chambers (or equivalent) or other employers of legal professionals established in the UK, except employees of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and members of their families. Entries will also be accepted from aspiring lawyers who are actively seeking pupillage, a training contract or other qualifying work experience.
  2. Submissions should be no longer than 1500 words, including footnotes and references. Essays that exceed this word limit will not be considered.
  3. Deadline for submissions is 23.59 on Monday, 30 September 2024. Essays must be submitted by email to in Microsoft Word format, citing 'Essay Competition' in the subject line.
  4. When submitting your essay, please include your name, address, contact telephone number and details of the educational institution, barristers' chambers or firm of solicitors that you belong to in the covering email. Please do not include this or any other identifying information in the essay itself.
  5. The essay must be the sole creation and original work of the entrant. Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
  6. Alongside your submission, please complete and return the Declaration. Submissions made without the Declaration will not be considered.
  7. Only one entry per person will be allowed.
  8. The essay must not have been submitted to any other essay competition.
  9. Essays will be judged anonymously, and the winner will be selected by Lady Simler, Justice of the Supreme Court.
  10. The winner will be selected in December 2024 and will be notified no later than January 2025.
  11. First prize will win a meeting with Lady Simler, a tour of the Court, and a UK Supreme Court coffee table book, and a certificate signed by Lady Simler.
  12. Runners up whose essays were shortlisted in the top 5 will receive a coffee table book and a certificate signed by Lady Simler.
  13. We will inform all entrants of whether they have been successful or unsuccessful. We do not otherwise have capacity to provide feedback on individual entries.
  14. For any questions, please contact